Wednesday, November 10, 2010


不同的歌曲勾起不同的回忆;不同的倩影让我想起不同的你;不同的环境却改变不了同样的我。 还是一样的粗心大意,还是一样的乱七八糟,还是一样的无聊,喜欢闹人。只是你们都不在,我闹谁去?能够忍受我“烦死人不偿命唠唠叨叨东西做不完”的ah ma在远方的那里。原意听我大喊大唱、歌大声到整间屋子都听得见的家人也不在这里。可以让我有事没事就去看一眼、摸一下的Money现在大概在太阳底下享受着日光浴吧。我是谁它搞不好都不记得了。可是我想它。

床单洗了,随着那洗衣机的打转,家的味道也不见了。感觉更空虚了。还好,还有bobo和pillow. 哈哈。

大姑告诉我说你喝汤时总会想起我。心里抽了一下。我也很想你啊!想你的声音、你的味道、你的肩膀。还有你的厨艺!ah ma...

hou hou 叫我早睡。哦!(==“)
woof woof!!! 哦!

Friday, November 5, 2010

A day off.

Life's been pretty hectic lately, sometimes to the extent that I'd lost in the midst of all the things which're going on. Nothing is going perfectly well, nothing is wrong either. Depending on how I want to view it. And, fortunately, I've learnt how to balance myself, mentally, to not over stress or to over slack. Credit. Yet one step higher in the stairs of life. =)

Today's a Thursday. I decided to give myself a day off. Went for a free movie screening together with a few of my friends. The movie, titled " The Cove", is a documentary about dolphin killings. It's good to know that there are people who are protecting the rights of animals, but it's disappointing to know that there are also people who are totally ignorant of animal rights and continue with their senseless, brutal acts which they claim to be their culture. ==" It boils my blood to see how merciless dolphin hunters can be. They stab dolphins as though they are stabbing some lifeless object, devoid of any feeling. Such is an act of pest eradication, so-called. Since when have dolphins turned into pest? Sigh. Something has to be done.

Apart from feeling rather unmotivated and indolent, I'm good. =) wakaka... Tomorrow's Friday! yeah, despite the upcoming calculus test on Wednesday. Yeah. I like weekends.

Miss home still the same. =) Something to be happy over, that's because I have a home! Literally and idiomatically.

Signing off to a shower.